Hello and a very a very warm welcome from the official web-site for Luna Moon-Hunter. Luna is an epic graphic novel saga that centers around a beautiful Scythian warrior who battles the gigantic Nephilim in near future apocalyptic London during the rise of the Anti-Christ. This is a fictional story that is infused with a great deal of Biblical themes and history. The inspired artwork is rendered in traditional ink wash and rendered pencils and finished in stunning digital paints. The entire production took a full 8 years to complete and, we believe, will serve as a lasting testament to all the superbly talented artists who worked on it.
We are pleased to offer to you the soft cover edition with cover art by Buzz and Lucio Parrillo and the hard cover edition with cover art by the late Drew Posada, complimented by a back cover by the Legend himself, Frank Frazetta.
Luna Moon-Hunter
Soft Cover Edition

International Order? Click Here
Luna Moon-Hunter
Deluxe Hard Cover Limited Edition
Signed by creator/ writer Rob Hughes and artist Jeff Slemons

International Order? Click Here
Free Download
Click here to read for free the first chapter of Luna Moon-Hunter titled, When the Moon Weeps Blood. (We suggest opening the file in Adobe Reader to guarantee correct color display.)
Mailing List
Click Here to sign up on the Luna mailing list so that you may receive all the current updates for this exciting series.
And, please take a moment to view the exciting Luna Moon-Hunter trailer below.